Sunday, September 13, 2009

My First Impression:

I looked at several different sights such as scratch just trying to get a feel for what was being offered. I didn't actually download enough to interact with all that scratch had to offer. Initially, though I was able to use a couple of programs such as symmetry. It was interesting and creative but seemed to offer little beyond that.
Nasa. gov. though is the sight that really intrigued me. We used some programs from that sight in our LSIS A 202 Science and Processes class. Though the programs we used were geared for young children, it helped us as college students to grasp the concepts and visually see what we were learning. These programs are fun, easy to use, stimulate learning, and are interactive as well as very educational. I think they have a lot to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it fascinating how programs for young children can be used for college students?

    Science can be such a wonder way to engage children in school.
