Saturday, September 26, 2009

When I Google My Name:

The first time I googled my name, my husband John's name came up under Intelius with my name listed as a possible relative. Then my name came up listed as having a Facebook account--which I do---but that was not the Virginia Grimes I was looking for. I found pages and pages of "Virginia Grimes" using the quotation marks and variations such as adding my middle name, or alternating with my maiden name.
The only hit I got that was actually me, was my third attempt with Intelius which listed me as living in Anchorage and the cities I've lived in, in Colorado. The only other hit I got that was really me was listed with Classmates. com under my maiden name. Incidently, my profile with is incomplete and only tells where and when I graduated from high school.
It was interesting to see an obituary listed for a rather aged Virginia Grimes, and also one listed for a Virginia Hardman. Hmmm. I found there to be all kinds of "Virginia Grimes" out there, which surprised me, but none of them are me. I guess my identity is safe for the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention, that I believe the use of the quotation marks causes the search engine to search for both words together. Using them around the first and alternating last names would cause it to keep the first name attached to one or the other of the last names as it searches without separating the words out.
